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Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Pickles have been around for thousands of years, dating as far back as 2030 BC when cucumbers from their native India were pickled in the Tigris Valley. The word “pickle” comes from the Dutch pekel or northern German pókel, meaning “salt” or “brine,” two very important components in the pickling process. Throughout history pickling was a necessity, as it was the best way to preserve food for a long period of time. As one of the earliest mobile foods, pickles filled the stomachs of hungry sailors and travelers, while also providing families with a source of food during the cold winter months.

Serves 4
30 minutes + 1 hour chilling
120 kcal

  • 800 g cooked crab 
  • 1 egg, hard-boiled 
  • 4 tbsp of mayonnaise 
  • 2 tbsp mustard 
  • 20 g pickles

  1. Start by removing the meat from the crab, saving the shell for serving. If you have never done this before there are a lot of great videos on the internet which shows you how to.
  2. In a blender mix the crab meat with the mayonnaise, mustard, pickles and egg until a smooth paté, then season with salt to taste. 
  3. Wash the crab shell and then pat dry.
  4. Fill the shell with the crab paté, then refrigerate for 1 hour. 
  5. Serve the paté with unsalted crackers.

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